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Reality of a Maladaptive Daydreamer

Reality of a Maladaptive Daydreamer


Juni Gorden

Mixed Media

15.5 x 22


Not for Sale


My experience with Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder begins with a to-do list which is hidden and barely visible as I focus my attention on the paracosm inside my mind. My surroundings are only known as bits and pieces, giving me just enough information to not run into anything as I pace the floor. This pacing is shown in the future I set in motion (the crystal ball) on the bottom right along with a face that demonstrates facial expressions I make, yet I am unaware of. The characters shown are frequent paras within my paracosm, and they are often fueled by the music I listen to. This musical escape from reality is justified by unhelpful thoughts which cross the figure in the form of earbud wires. Within dimensions in which I am performing an interview, being interrogated, or having conversations that will never happen, I often dream of myself as somebody inspiring and outgoing. Thus, the resting figure is not me, but an imagined self, or parame, who is lost within a paracosm. I hope this piece can bring attention to this behavioral addiction which impacts the lives of so many who are struggling to complete tasks, engage with family and friends, and participate in the reality that makes up the life outside their minds

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